
Using the API

Creating MQ structures

You can create MQ structures for example

  gmo =pymqi.GMO()
  print(gmo) gives

    StrucId: b'GMO '                                               
    Version: 4                                                     
    Options: 0                                                     
    WaitInterval: 0                                                
    Signal1: 0                                                     
    Signal2: 0                                                     
    ResolvedQName: b''                                             
    MatchOptions: 3                                                
    GroupStatus: 32                                                
    SegmentStatus: 32                                              
    Segmentation: 32                                               
    Reserved1: b' '                                                
    MsgToken: b''                                                  
    ReturnedLength: -1                                             
    Reserved2: 0                                                   
    MsgHandle: 0                                                   

The structure classes are (for example pymqi.GMO())

Python class MQ object Description
CD MQCD Channel Definition
CMHO MQCMHO Create Message Handle Operation
MD MQMD Message descriptor
GMO MQGMO Get Message Options
IMPO MQIMPO Inquire Message Property Options
OD MQOD Object desciptor
PD MQPD Property Descriptor
PMO MQPMO Put Message Options
RFH2 MQRFH2 Rules and Formatting Header
SCO MQSCO SSL Configuration Options
SMPO MQSMPO Set Message Property Options
SRO MQSRO Subscription request Options
SD MQSD Subscription Descriptor
TM MQTM Trigger Message
TMC2 MQTMC2 Trigger Message 2


If you get a non zero return code from MQ, a MQMIError exception is thrown, for example

pymqi.MQMIError: MQI Error. Comp: 2, Reason 2035: FAILED: MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED QM=CSQ9 

You can extract information from the exception code::

  d = vars(e) # create a dict from the exception
  print("e:comp           ",d["comp"            ]) 
  print("e:reason         ",d["reason"            ]) 
  print("e:values         ",d["values"            ]) 
  # the following are optional depending on the MQ verb issued
  print("e:QName          ",d["QName"]) 
  print("e:Verb           ",d["Verb"]) 
  print("e:message        ",d["message"]) 
  print("e:original_length",d["original_length"   ]) 

This gives

  e:comp            2                                                                                         
  e:reason          2033                                                                                      
  e:values          QName=COLIN message= original_length=0 Verb=MQGET                                         
  e:QName           COLIN                                                                                               
  e:Verb            MQGET                                                                                                
  e:message         b''                                                                                               
  e:original_length 0                                                                                         

Other errors may result in an PYIFError exception, for example

  1. An MQ control block passed to pymqi is not well formed; such as a bad eye catcher or length
  2. A request has been made but the application is not connected to MQ.


You can turn on a trace in the zpymqi module (from the C code). This traces, the parameters passed to and from MQ calls.



Where the … is a number for example qmgr.set_debug(1+pymqi.xCC+pymqi.xPCF)

constant value meaning
  1 if the return code is non zero
pymqi.xCC 2 display the compcode and reason code including rc = 0
pymqi.xPUTBUFFER 4 display the put buffer ( after the MQPUT*)
pymqi.xPUT 4 display the put buffer ( after the MQPUT*)
pymqi.xGETBUFFER 8 display the buffer after an MQGET
pymqi.xGET 8 display the buffer after an MQGET
pymqi.xMQOD 16 display the MQOD after an open
pymqi.xMQMD 32 display the MQMD after an MQGET
pymqi.xMQPMO 64 display the MQPMO options after the MQPUT
pymqi.xMQGMO 128 display the MQGMO options after the MQGET
pymqi.xSUB 256 display the MQSD, Object name, ResObjectString, subname,sub options, after and MQSUB
pymqi.xSETQMP 1512 displays the Set Message Properties options, and property name etc
pymqi.xINQMP 1024 displays the Inquire Message Properties options, and property name etc
pymqi.xPCF 2048 for the MQPUT, displays the cc and reason code, the PCF command, the count, and the first 1024 bytes of the structure.
pymqi.xPCF 2048 for the MQGET, it displays the same information + PCF compcode and reason code
pymqi.xCONN 4096 displays MQCONNX info, MQCNO, MQCSP